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Half Dome at night

Discussion about hiking to the top of Half Dome, planning the trip, and when the Half Dome cables are installed in Spring or removed in Fall.

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Half Dome at night

Postby dan » Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:10 pm

Half Dome at night
Author: Ryan Cheff (---.chevrontexaco.com)
Date: 06-13-03 10:02

Has anyone ever climbed Half Dome at night to catch the sunrise? If so any tips?

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: Sean (---.rasserver.net)
Date: 06-27-03 00:02

Going up on Sat 7-12 and I'm gonna leave around 2 am there is almost a full moon that day. Never been night hiking in Yosemite but I'll post back on the trip info when I get back.

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: Martin (216.100.215.---)
Date: 03-29-04 13:10

With a healthy moon, it's really nice. The granite all but glows in the moon light and the trail is pretty self-evident. Of course, it calls for alertness and if it's particularly cold, watch out for ice.
Once, I ran into a bear coming the opposite direction on the trail from Nevada Falls to Little Yosemite, but we parted in different directions.

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: AM (---.exploratorium.edu)
Date: 07-12-04 13:44

With a full moon it is spectacular! We left from Glacier point. It was darkest in Little Yo and there were bears. I'll never forget the experience.
BTW last I heard no overnight camping is allowed on top of the Dome.

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: eloy gomez (---.vnnyca.adelphia.net)
Date: 07-11-05 20:38

I have never been up to Half Dome I do live in California and do hike, I was hoping to get some info. on what I would need for my climb to Half Dome and how long does it take. Is it possiable to do it in one day or not. If anyone can answer my questions I would appriciate it . And what would the weather be like in the begining of September.

Thank You!
Eloy Gomez

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: Dan Anderson (---.west.biz.rr.com)
Date: 07-11-05 20:44

It took me 11.5 hours, but I took my time and also spent 2 hours on the top. I started at 6 am and got back to Yosemite Valley 5:30 pm.

The Half Dome trail is closed weekdays this summer (2005) for trail repair (Mon.- Thurs.). It's open weekends. It should be finished by September. See http://www.nps.gov/yose/now/conditions.htm http://www.nps.gov/yose/now/conditions.htm

Bring plenty of water.

The weather is still nice, and it's a lot less crowded in September. Yosemite Falls is usually pretty dried up by then though. For climate information see

Re: Half Dome at night
Author: AM (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: 07-17-05 15:31

I heard a rumor that the cable were coming down early (September) this year. Definately contact the Rangers before going.
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