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Birds of Yosemite National Park (1954, 1963) by Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins

GREBES: Order Podicipediformes

GREBES: Family Podicipedidae

EARED GREBE (Podiceps caspicus): 12-14 in. In summer head, slender neck, upper breast, and crest, black; tufts of fan-shaped yellowish feathers extend back from eye; rest of upper parts blackish; sides brownish-red; under parts white; bill slender; iris red. Adult in winter: Cheek whitish; front and sides of neck gray; under parts white; top of head, back of neck, and back black. Immature: More brown in back.

Breeds in summer on bodies of fresh water. East of the Sierra breeds south to Mono Lake. W.V. along the coast and on inland bodies of water. Widely distributed in the fall. R. in some areas. C.V. to lakes in Yosemite region. Occasionally on Mirror Lake in Yosemite Valley but more frequent on higher lakes up to 12,000 feet.

PIED-BILLED GREBE (Podilymbus podiceps): 12-15 in. Upper parts brown, darker on top of head, back of neck and upper back; under parts whitish, marked with brown; bill short, light-colored, and crossed by black band; throat black; white under very short tail. Adult in winter and immature: Generally brown; throat patch absent or faint; band on bill absent. Hatchlings blackish with whitish streaks on head, neck, and back. When frightened may dive or sink beneath the surface with little rippling of water.

Widely R. on bays and estuaries along the coast and on inland ponds, sloughs, and lakes. The principal breeding area is the Great Valley of California. Widely distributed in winter. In the Yosemite region most likely to be seen in winter along the lower course of the Merced River below Yosemite Valley.

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