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Next: Finches, Sparrows, etc.ContentsPrevious: Orioles & Blackbirds

Birds of Yosemite National Park (1954, 1963) by Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins

TANAGERS: Family Thraupidae

WESTERN TANAGER (Piranga ludoviciana): 6 1/4-7 in. Most of head scarlet; wings black with yellowish bars; upper back and tail black; rest of body yellow. Female: Above olive-green or brownish-gray, tinged with yellow; below dull yellow; wings and tail brownish rather than black; whitish wingbars; hint of scarlet on head and throat. Metallic call tuweet tuweet or prit-it prit-it, often given repeatedly.

Frequents fairly open coniferous forests with associated broad-leaved trees. Principally in the Transition and Canadian life zones in summer. Widespread M. S. V. in the Yosemite region, observed as far east as Merced Lake. Common on the floor of Yosemite Valley and at Mariposa Grove. (See cover.)

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