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Best Yosemite Campsites

Discussion of camping and road-accessible campgrounds in and near Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Best Yosemite Campsites

Postby dan » Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:18 pm

uthor: DWalker (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: 01-28-06 12:32

I've read quite a bit on campsites in Yosemite, and still wonder which is the better for RV camping with family and young kids.

We're planning for the week after July 4th...

I'm sure it will still be crowded.


Re: Best campsites
Author: Dan Anderson (---.west.biz.rr.com)
Date: 01-29-06 10:55

The Valley Campgrounds are probably the best for RV camping. They don't have facilities though (there is a separate sanitary station, but no hookups). For hookups, there are campsites outside the park.

I like the Upper Pines Campground the best. It is well-shaded. You can look at photographs of all the campgrounds at
http://yosemitecampsites.com/ http://yosemitecampsites.com/

You can look at campground maps at

You can look at the number of reservations left for campgrounds through
http://www.yosemitesites.com/ http://www.yosemitesites.com/

You can reserve campgrounds for the July 4th weekend starting Feb. 15th. For other opening reservation dates and info see the NPS webpage:
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