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Yosemite meadow names

Discussion about Yosemite National Park history, including Native Americans, Euro-American pioneers and settlement, and establishment as a national park.

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Yosemite meadow names

Postby Ljrack » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:20 pm

I've been searching for a single, definitive list of the meadows of Yosemite. I'm mostly interested in the ones in the valley proper. I know just about all of them, but am conflicted about a few of them.

The meadow in front of Valley View: Bridal Veil Meadow? right?
Meadow between Swinging Bridge and the Chapel? Sentinel Meadow? I've also heard the name "Superintendent's Meadow" but can't place that.

I know Cook's Meadow is the one with the Elm Tree. I know El Capitan, Ahwahnee, Stoneman's and Leidig meadows. Am I missing any others?

I've searched this site and Googled way too much.

Anyone have a list. And a map that has the names would be even better!



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Postby bill-e-g » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:32 pm

Love this question.

Many of the meadow names are on the USGS maps.
You can find them here:

NPS site also talks about meadows in particular:

With the map and above info you should be able to
answer your own question.
I've never seen Cook's or Sentinel on a map....

Are there others that are named? Not that I know of
other than they are starting to call it Mirror Lake/Meadow.

A neat exercise would be go and find all the valley
interpretive signs and determine if they named any others.

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Postby Ljrack » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:02 pm

Thanks for the reply Bill and the links. The USGS maps are good and do contain a lot of the names, but missing Sentinel and Cooks. go figure.

A neat exercise would be go and find all the valley
interpretive signs and determine if they named any others.

Interesting that you mentioned this. I checked a site called the Untraveled road where someone has "virtualized" the drive around Yosemite Valley in thousands of pictures. At untraveledroad dot com is where I found the name of Sentinel Meadow.This particular site doesn't have all the interpretive signs though.
edit:I tried to post the link, but I'm too new and they try to prevent spam...

I think the only mystery left for me now is "Superintendent's Meadow." I think it might be interchanged with Cook's Meadow?

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Re: Yosemite meadow names

Postby dan » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:38 pm

Dick Hartesveldt's "Yosemite Valley Place Names" should be useful in finding meadow place names, with background information.
http://www.yosemite.ca.us/library/yosem ... ace_names/

It's dated 1955, but that's nothing in geologic time :-). It has entries for Ahwahnee Meadow, Leidig Meadow, Pothole Meadows, and Stoneman Meadow.

- Dan
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