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John & Maggie Rivers - Paiute - pac sac ge ge - Pyramid

Discussion about Yosemite National Park history, including Native Americans, Euro-American pioneers and settlement, and establishment as a national park.

Moderators: Wickett, dan

John & Maggie Rivers - Paiute - pac sac ge ge - Pyramid

Postby slice6904 » Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:17 pm

Hello, I have been researching my husband's family tree and I have been able to go back to John & Maggie Rivers Pyramid Lake Indian Census 1890's. They are listed on a couple of the census. They have 2 sons Johnny & Clarence and maybe a sister Mary.

No matter where I go on the net the family stops there 1890's and I can't locate where the children have gone. I would like to find out what happened to the son Johnny Rivers.

I have been on tons of blogs and forums and this is the closet I have found that have may have information.

Please if anyone has heard or may have information on the Rivers family that would be great.

Thank you so much and looking forward to any information.
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Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:56 am

Postby Yosemite_Indian » Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:43 pm

I have heard the name Rivers before, but my family is from Eastern Sierra and towns in Central Nevada bordering Central California. Even though I know many of the Paiutes in Northern Nevada I don't know all of them. The Paiute territory is vast covering Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, Utah and Northern Arizona and there are thousands of Paiutes.

Sorry, but I can't help you on that.
Chief Tenaya was the founder of the Paiute Colony of Ahwahnee
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Postby slice6904 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:24 pm

Thank you very much for responding so quickly. The information you just gave me will help me too. Have a great day. Kim
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