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Ranger Danger! A warning for Halloween goers!

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park. How to get there, what to see or do, and other Yosemite trip advice.

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Ranger Danger! A warning for Halloween goers!

Postby King Of Yosemite » Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:52 am

Since, moving to and living in Yosemite there are certain things that I have picked up on. Don't leave food in your car! Don't do anything that you don't immediately expect to come back to you! Most importantly I learned to be totally and completely paranoid about the rangers.

The very fact that I am worried about my next interaction is strange due to my law abiding attitude, but it doesn't seem to matter to these guys. I have been pulled over on almost ever mode of transportation including my feet and if that wasn't enough they came to my door last winter and harassed me when I was in the middle of being very sick with an insomnia attack on top of that.

When I get pulled over they inevitably ask me 2 questions

1. have you been drinking?
2. do you have any drugs on you?

Am I bitter? Yes, I am! The fact that I do not drink and yet am continuously accused of it does not put me in a good mood. In addition to the fact that just because I am not inside my home does not mean that I am consuming a substance to alter my mood or state of consciousness. Sometimes as stated above that doesn't even matter. If they are board enough they will start walking around employee housing and getting their fellow park associated in trouble.

There is no end to their terror. And since Halloween is coming I thought I would put a few words of advice out there. Do NOT party for Halloween in the park. The rangers are board and they are ready to bring some people in to the John Muir Hotel [jail] so that they can make a little extra money to justify putting more rangers on the beat. Seriously!

Trick or Treat!
King Of Yosemite
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:15 am

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