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vogelsang 07-01

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park. How to get there, what to see or do, and other Yosemite trip advice.

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vogelsang 07-01

Postby hikerlinda » Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:04 am

I am planning on backbacking up to Vogelsang next thursday. From previous posts I expect lots of snow. Here is my question. Snowshoes? They are so heavy if I do not need them. I think I would almost rather posthole than carry the extra weight. Yes, I am a whimp. 33 lbs is my limit. I hope to do the whole 50 my loop hitting each HSC in 6 days. Crazy?
Please anyone who gets up there this weekend post how the snow is.
Thanks :
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Re: vogelsang 07-01

Postby dan » Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:08 am

No. Snowshoes don't work. Snowshoes work in winter with fresh, soft snow. They don't work in Spring/Summer with hard, patchy snow with lots of suncups. The snow is not continuous, tends to be in big lumps in the shade, and tends to be very hard in the morning and slushy in the late afternoon.

What you need are waterproofed boots with gaitors.
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Postby hikerlinda » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:04 am

Thank you so much for the quick reply. This makes it so much easier to pack.
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:39 am

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