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horse trailer parking

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park. How to get there, what to see or do, and other Yosemite trip advice.

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horse trailer parking

Postby razorbackcaller » Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:51 pm

I have a 37 foot living Quarters trailer. Is there place to day park at tuolumne meadows?
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Re: horse trailer parking

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:17 am

I would call the park and ask the question. They may have rearranged the parking areas some. There used to be a stretch of gravel road near the day use parking area that would work - IF you got there before it's filled with cars. The day use parking is generally very very very very very very very busy.
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Re: horse trailer parking

Postby dan » Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:21 am

The Tuolumne Meadows horse corral has a large dirt parking lot. To get there, take the road north from Tioga Road to Lembert Dome and continue about a half mile to the corral parking. I think that's the best bet

Tuolumne Lodge has a large paved parking lot on the south side of Tioga Road. It often has a large paved parking lot. It is marked with lot lines, but should have parking. It's a mile off Tioga Road and most people don't park far beyond Tioga Road.
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