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Overnight backcountry camping in April

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park in Winter and most of Spring, when snow is on the ground. Includes visiting in winter, snow play, downhill and nordic skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and snow camping.

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Overnight backcountry camping in April

Postby archive » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:35 am

Author: Miguel Ortiz (---.dsl.pipex.com)
Date: 03-05-06 15:46

We are a family with 3 kids planning on visiting the park in mid April. We would really like to hike into the backcountry and camp for a couple of nights. Any recommendations that aren't too likely to be snow-bound?

Re: Overnight backcountry camping in April
Author: Jon Shannon (---.goldrush.com)
Date: 03-06-06 09:58


Your timing limits you somewhat because much of the park is still under snow in mid-April.

Here are a couple of possibilities, though, to be on the safe side, I'd recommend that you check with the backcountry office before you go, to inquire about snow (you can do this when you pick up your permit).

1) Happy Isles to Little Yosemite Valley. On the hike up you will have wonderful views of two of Yosemite's most beautiful waterfalls. Little Yosemite Valley is heavily used, but may not be too crowded in April.

Snow levels permiiting, you can day hike from there to Half Dome's shoulder (the cables to the top won't be up, yet, but the trail to the shoulder is more than worthwhile.

2) As an alternative, you could hike to Snow Creek (this trail takes off from the Mirror Lake/Meadow Loop Trail). It is a pretty unrelenting hike, but you get wonderful views of Teneya Canyon and Half Dome. There is camping in the vicinity of Snow Creek, and it is very scenic. Panoramic vistas of Tenaya Canyon and Half Dome.

Hope this helps.

Jon Shannon
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