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December 2011---Winter, where are you?

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park in Winter and most of Spring, when snow is on the ground. Includes visiting in winter, snow play, downhill and nordic skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, and snow camping.

Moderators: Wickett, dan

December 2011---Winter, where are you?

Postby balzaccom » Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:20 pm

Just back from a few days on the trail in Yosemite and the Carson Iceberg Wilderness. It was pretty amazing. Temps in the 50's and even 60's during the day, and dropping down to only about 30 at night. Trails were open, creeks were running (sometimes under ice, but still, there was water everywhere) and we had three really good days in the Sierra.

Carson-Iceberg: we went to Boulder Lake---four miles in off the Clark Fork trailhead. The lake itself was frozen just about solid, except for a small section on the north shore where the ground was a nice dark brown, which got warm enough to heat the water and melt it.


By the way, you don't need a permit this time of year there---but they do ask that you stop in and let them know where you are going to leave your car, so that they can notify the CHP. That way nobody gets unnecessarily alarmed. And they leave the paperwork outside for you, if you get there after they are closed. Nice huh?

In Yosemite we dayhiked to a couple of spots that had been recommended on some Yosemite boards--the foot of Illilouette Falls. Here's M enjoying the view of the backside of half Dome...


And the up the North wall to Ribbon Falls.


Both were great hikes, great adventures, and a great way to get away from the crowds in Yosemite Valley.

Yes, there are more photos:

https://picasaweb.google.com/balzaccom/ ... Christmas#

And we wrapped things up at our 34th anniversary dinner at the Yosemite Lodge, complete with a bottle of 1999 Pommard. yum. I must be one of the luckiest people on Earth to have a wife who likes this stuff as much as I do!

Hope you all had happy holidays...and that 2012 is the best year yet.
Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
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Joined: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:51 am
Location: Napa CA

Re: December 2011---Winter, where are you?

Postby KC » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:46 pm

Congrads! Carson-Iceberg is my favorite. Can't beat the solitude there. Plus, I can't imagine a funner way to do an anniversary than climbing up to Boulder Lake.
Posts: 106
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:11 am

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