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Staus of Mosquiotes in Yosemite?

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Staus of Mosquiotes in Yosemite?

Postby holz » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:11 am


I am planning a trip through the Grand Canyon of the Tuolume and areas to the North of the canyon. Anyone been up that way? If so, how are the skeeters this year?

I am trying to decide on whether or not to bring a head net and whether to bring one bottle of 100% deet or two. :)

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Postby bill-e-g » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:26 pm

I'd suggest you bring the headnet. It weighs next to nothing.
I carry a can of Off. That will last many many trips. Just spray a
little in your palm and rub it on your hands and face. So 1 can is plenty.
We always wear long pants and long sleeve shirts. One reason is
for mosquitos, the other is we do alot of cross country hiking and
the trail itself can be also be overgrown.
On July 3 the buggers were BRUTAL all the way to 11000ft. so I'd
expect them to be the same for at least a week more.
Around Benson pass and Smedberg and Rodgers Lake and Meadow
they may be thick. If there are alot as you go thru Cold Canyon then
you can figure they will be with you until drop into Pate Valley.
Have fun!
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Postby holz » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:47 pm

Have you ever tried the "BuzzOff" shirts/pants/bandanas? I have a buzzoff shirt, but haven't tried it in any significantly infested area.

I will definitely heed your advice and travel with the headnet and some deet based repellant. I will be setting out a week from today, so I'm hoping they will have greatly diminished by then. I have been chased into my tent by mosquitoes before and hope to avoid that this time.
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Postby bill-e-g » Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:38 pm

I've heard of them and also have considered getting one.. but alas have not yet.
Let me know how it works please.
Closeknit hiking shirts do the trick. But over time they do become less
closeknit and the mosquitos get thru once in awhile.
I only wear the REI Sahara Hiking Pants, they don't get thru those...
Btw. Been camping by Smedberg where the mosquitos hanging on the
downwind side of the tent numbered in the 100s.
But for some reason once I went down to the Lake and walked around
some they weren't that bothersome.
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Postby holz » Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:51 pm

My worst experience ever was in Banff National Park, Canada. Oh heck, I'll tell the whole story. . . .

Before we set off, we were in a store where I suggested getting head nets. My friend poo pooed the idea. I bought him one anyway and warned him that the price of it would "increase dramatically" once out in the woods.

Well, that first night, they started to get thick and I offered him the head net for only $50 (I paid $2). Unfortunately, my 20% deet wasn't working and his 100% was so I had to settle for a trade.

Anyway, we finally got chased into our tents by the buggers. I remember seeing dozens of them all lined up in the CO2 plume from my breath. Once I killed the couple that snuck in with me, it was a pleasant bug free evening. I must admit feeling an above average level of contentment sitting in the tent and seeing all those little blood suckers outside. :)

I will give you a report on how the Buzz Off stuff works. I'm not holding out too much hope, but it is certainly worth a try.
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Postby JayJay » Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:50 pm

I was up in the high country for 6 days last week....the mosquitos were definitely out, but they were not too bad. I used my DEET a couple times a day and never had to break out the head net.
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Postby bill-e-g » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:27 pm

Mosquito Season is pretty much over. Never once felt the need to
use any mosquito dope fri-sun. They only came about 15 minutes
before sunset and then were gone pretty much after sunset.
Slept under the stars at Virginina Lake 9200ft. and near
Roosevelt Lake >10k.
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Postby robbaggio » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:27 am

So If I am doing the JMT from August 30th -> September 14th, I shouldn't need to bring any insect repellent? Sounds like everything will be dead by then?
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Postby bill-e-g » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:48 am

You shouldn't need any...
Did the JMT last year at the same time... didn't need any last year...
and didn't see any mosquitos last weekend ...
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slightly off topic...

Postby st000 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:22 pm

Are the mosquitoes gone because the temps are down? Might be camping near Nelson Lake and wondering what conditions are like out there. Would anyone know?
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Re: slightly off topic...

Postby dan » Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:14 pm

Mosquitos always go down end of August because it's drying up. In Sept. temps will go down too, which also helps, but they are mostly gone by then.
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Noo mosquitoes in tuolumne meadows

Postby xcorat » Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:38 pm

I just came back from a hike near Tenaya lake.

There were no mosquitoes at all. I was there 2 days and hiked May lake to Ten Lakes trail. I remember hearing one mosquito (only hear, didnt see or sting...!!) when I was waiting to be picked up under a tree near Ten lakes trail head. Other than that, there was not a single one.
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Postby go bears » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:58 am

i just got back from hiking from tuolumne meadows to glen aulin. no mosquitos at all. there was a slight breeze at times, but even in calm times along the river there were none at all. much better than other times i've visited where it's seemed like i was being feasted upon.
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