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June 22-28 trip TM to Valley via Vogelsang

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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June 22-28 trip TM to Valley via Vogelsang

Postby yosemiteken » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:04 am

Returned a few weeks ago from my trip with 2 sons (16 and 12 year old) from TM to HI via Rafferty Creek trail taking a few days off in between to enjoy scenery and relax. Weather was absolutely perfect. High 80's and 90's in Valley, perfect in back country.

Arrived at Valley and took the Yarts bus leaving at 5pm from Valley ($8 for all three of us since they did not charge for youths). Stayed overnight at the Tuolumne Lodge (tent similar to Curry Village) except they have a wood stove for heat which we needed since it was rather cool at night.
Day 1 - TM to Vogelsang HSC (i.e., Fletcher Lake) via Rafferty Creek trail. (7.0 miles)
Day 2 - Stayed in Vogelsang and spent day relaxing and after a short hike (1/2 mile one way), exploring around Vogelsang Lake. Snow was plentiful so we had to scramble around snow and ice and on way back down to Vogelsang HSC we even slid down the snowy hills using a hefty bag I brought.
Day 3 - Vogelsang to Merced Lake HSC (8+ miles) - I love the Fletcher Creek trail however, feet can take a beating on downhill rocky trail. Boys survived long day of hiking but we all slept well that night.
Day 4 - Spent day relaxing and exploring around Flectcher Creek and around Merced Lake.
Day 5 - Merced Lake HSC to LYV - This is another beautiful hike and I enjoy following the Merced River.
Day 6 - LYV to Half Dome.
Day 7 - LYV to HI

I really enjoyed this trip and have done this trip as a 5 or 6 day hike also.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:33 pm

Postby johnstream » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:43 am

How did your boys enjoy it? I have 3 young sons and can't wait for the days to take them on extended backcountry trips such as yours.
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:11 am

Postby yosemiteken » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:43 pm

My boys (16 & 12) thought the whole trip was fantastic. Of course one of the highlights was Half Dome. The only lowlight would probably be the mosquitoes at times. Another observation was that my boys can sometimes be picky eaters (at least at home) but they enjoyed the Mountain House meals (everything tastes better when you have been hiking all day!). However, it seems that the first few days our appetities were curbed somewhat due to the high elevation at Vogelsang and maybe because we were pretty tired. So we ended up bringing up slightly too much food.

Although I have hiked HD several times, this was my second trip to HD with my boys..the first being when they were 14 and 12 when we hiked the Panorama trail from Glacier point to LYV (staying in LYV for 2 nights). When we returned home from our recent week long trip, my 12 year old wanted to start planning next summers trip to Clouds Rest! So I am starting to think about a TM to Valley via Cathedral Lakes, Sunrise, and Clouds Rest trip (of course including another HD trip which the boys will insist on).
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:33 pm

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