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Trip Advice

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Postby Grzldvt » Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:37 pm

Personally I think you are still missing one of the most spectacular areas of the park, in bypassing Toulumne Meadows and duplicating views with Clouds rest and Half Dome and El Capitan.
I would skip El Capitan and go down to Glen Aulin.
If you decide to do Glen Aulin PM me, I will send you to a spot that will knock your sox off.
I guess I may also be a bit jaded, since i have seen the Valley from every angle known to man :D
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Postby Carter » Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:43 pm

hiking the falls one day and backing it up with half dome the next day is a lot of back tracking.... but can see the benifit of splitting it up a little...
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Re: Trip Advice

Postby JeffK » Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:26 pm

Over 80 miles all together in one week, congrats if this is do-able for you. Half Dome by itself is a considerable undertaking for most people, at the very least it leaves your feet very sore after 5000 feet up and down over the course of 2 (astonishingly fast record time) to 12 (more typical time for tourists who aren't trying to set personal records) hours of hiking.

BobH60 wrote:Good Afternoon Dan, Steve and Everyone else,

My wife and I will be hiking in Yosemite from June 14 to June 21 and these are the hikes we currently have planned:

Saturday June 14th
Glacier Point / Sentinel Dome / Taft Point 5.50 Miles
Sunday June 15th
Yosemite Falls / Eagle Peak 13.00 Miles
Monday June 16th
Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls via the Mist Trail 5.80 Miles
Tuesday June 17th
Half Dome 17.00 Miles
Wednesday June 18th
Mariposa Grove of Big Trees 6.90 Miles
Thursday June 19th
Cloud Rest 14.40 Miles
Friday June 20th
El Capitan 17.00 Miles
Saturday June 21st
Tunnel View / Dewey Point 5.50 Miles

Any thoughts or advice ?

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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:53 pm

Postby ckrazi » Wed May 28, 2008 1:02 am

These hikes sound fun but it seems like you will be heading Happy Isles Trailhead twice, and the Yosemite falls trailhead twice. If you are going all the way to Eagle Peak, then I would advise taking the extra 2 miles (4 roundtrip) and wander over to the top of El Cap. The hardest part of these hikes are the falls themselves, and as long as you bring a flashlight you could make all three stops on your trip. Then perhaps I would suggest taking a rest day somewhere in there.. between El Cap and Half Dome, to tour the valley, check out the Awahnee, Mirror Lake and what not. You will be tired. After looking over these hikes it seems you are heading out of the valley 4 times (each time you leave from the valley you can only go one way.. up up up.) Another time saver would be to see half dome and Navada and Vernal. It really will only add about .2 miles from the half dome hike itself. IF you do these I might suggest doing a North Dome hike from Tioga road. The dome itself is kinda a letdown but on the way is Indian Rock, a natural arch formation and its a pretty nice to place to take a pic on.
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Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 12:52 am


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