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Lyell Canyon to Vogelsang

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Re: Lyell Canyon to Vogelsang

Postby Phil » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:14 am

My record for permit checks in one day is two. Interestingly enough, both on our way up Lyell Canyon...one standing sentry close to the trailhead, the other on his way out from higher up. In terms of total numbers of checks over the years, the winners are Cathedral Lakes and Glen Aulin...Tuolumne Meadows. It's not a good area to test your luck.

If you really want to see Half Dome or exit at Donahue Pass, but can't get a permit, thank those that abused something that "the system" is trying to prevent. "The beatings will continue until morale [behavior] improves."
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Re: Lyell Canyon to Vogelsang

Postby ErinJ86 » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:35 pm

Side note on this one about your HD permit: When I was thinking about bailing on my initial route I called about transferring my HD permit. From the person I spoke with you can transfer your HD permit to a new trailhead wilderness permit. If you straight up cancel your permit, you cancel the whole thing including HD.

Good luck!
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Re: Lyell Canyon to Vogelsang

Postby KevinH76 » Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:43 pm

Just returned today. Got permit changed to Rafferty Creek at the advice of a nice wilderness ranger, spend the first night in Vogelsang, the only people there. Some snow on the trail for about 0.4 miles just before Vogelsang, I post holed a couple of times, and would not have continued except we met a day hiker who told us the last 15 minutes to Vogelsang were a slog, but very well foot printed, which both turned out to be true. Spend second night just beyond Babcock creek at the apex of the valley beside Fletcher Creek, then to Echo Valley for 3rd night. Then on to LYV and up HD on June 24, with my daughter on her 18th birthday, then spent last night in the backpackers camp in the valley, caught the 8 AM shuttle to our car in TM and then back home. Very much appreciated the advice of the ranger at the permit station who made the trip doable. I had decided that what I proposed wasn't legal, I just wanted to use the permit I had and the HD permits for my daughters birthday, didn't want it ruined by heavy snow if there was another way down. Thanks for all the advice. Pics at the link below.

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Re: Lyell Canyon to Vogelsang

Postby MadDiver » Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:09 am

Glad you were able to make your trip! (With slight modification) :wink: From all the smiles of you two in the pics it seems it went pretty well and that the weather mostly cooperated as well especially the day on Half Dome. What I believe was your campsite in Echo Valley looks awesome.
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