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GCT or Ten Lakes?

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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GCT or Ten Lakes?

Postby MalZenith » Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:08 pm

Hey there everyone, first time poster.

I'm taking some friends up to Yosemite for a backpacking trip in a couple of weeks, and have a permit applied for the GCT (White Wolf to Tuolumne Meadows), with a route that goes through Ten Lakes as a backup plan. This trip is planned for July 21st - 25th. Are there any trail reports from people that tried the GCT this year yet? I'm particularly concerned about the Pate Valley crossing, as some of the guys I'm bringing along don't have much experience with river crossings and I'd rather not be in charge of their funerals. Since I suspect that it's uncrossable, are there any reports of how Ten Lakes pass is? Any chance that it might be doable without investing in microspikes for everyone?

Bar either of those, I have backup-backup plans for a Hetch Hetchy - Vernon Lake loop that I can take them on. Any other ideas for trails with similar mileage (preferrably those that involve waterfalls)?

Thanks a lot for your help everyone!
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Re: GCT or Ten Lakes?

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:56 pm

The bridge is still out in Pate, no replacement yet.

In a few weeks the snow will be a non issue. You can check caltopo.com for a weekly satellite image of the area, and watch the snow vanish each week a little more. Waterfalls will of course be on the ebb as the melt finishes out.
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Re: GCT or Ten Lakes?

Postby Phil » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:06 am

I doubt you'll have any problems on the Ten Lakes loop. If you hit any snow, it wont' be at Ten Lakes Pass, it'll be the climb up to Tuolumne Peak because of the aspect. I wouldn't bother with hauling spikes when you plan to go, but lot's of mosquito repellent.

If you have any doubt's at all about anyone's ability to make that crossing at Pate (and it is a major river) don't bother with coming down from White Wolf in order to be stopped out. I've done exactly that a few times just for fun (bridge or no bridge), and it isn't. That climb back out from Pate to Morrison Creek absolutely sucks! It's notorious, and if you want to destroy someone's zest for backpacking forever, that's exactly the place to do it.
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Re: GCT or Ten Lakes?

Postby Trekking pedro » Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:45 am

Which route did you end up taking? I have the same dilemma next week.
Trekking pedro
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Joined: Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:39 am

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