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Looking for route suggestions

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Looking for route suggestions

Postby beerguy » Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:08 pm

I'm trying to figure out how to spend about 4 days packing in Yosemite.

A few weeks ago, my wife and took a 3 day trip. We started at Yosemite Creek campground and hike to near the el cap/eagle peak junction and camped. The next day we hiked to the top of the falls, back to our campsite and then back towards the campground. Because we had the luxury of time we spent one more night before coming back out.

We're in average shape but neither have "knees of iron" so we try to keep it under 5-7 miles a day depending on terrain.

Any suggestions?

Not for this trip, but I've always been curious what the trail from Olmsted to the valley is like. It looks like a wicked collection of switchbacks down the canyon. Is it hikeable or does it require gear?

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Re: Looking for route suggestions

Postby dan » Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:26 pm

North Rim
Another trip you should consider is also on the North Rim. Start from the Tioga Road at Porcupine Flat (actually a little east). Head toward the junction of the North Rim Trail at Lehamite(sp) Creek--great camping and a creek there.

Day hike to North Dome (it's a easy walk to the top, with a good view of Half Dome). Also see Delicate Arch, which is about 1/2-1 mile nroth of North Dome along a trail heading north from North Dome along the ridge. Delicate Arch is on some maps, but not all maps.

Other options
- Start out at Glacier Point and hike east down to Illilouette Falls and Creek, then up along the south rim of Little Yosemite Valley. You can camp overnight at Little Yosemite Valley and head out the next day. This can also be done as a (very long) dayhike.

Also hiking down the John Muir Trail from the top at Cathedral Lakes Trailhead on the Tioga Road down to Happy Isles on the Yosemite Valley Floor.

Here's a good Yosemite Valley Hikers Map produced by the Park Service:
http://www.yosemite.ca.us/maps/yosemite ... p_2006.pdf

Olmsted Point Trail to Yosemite Valley
The trail from Olmsted Point down to the valley is misleading. It does NOT head down Tenaya Canyon--Tenaya Canyon requires climbing gear or the willingness to risk your life slipping and dying.

Instead, the trail heads west from Olmsted Point along the Canyon Rim through forest. It emerges at Snow Creek with a unbelievable in-your-face view of Half Dome. Then you have a uncountable number of short switchbacks that head 3000 feet down to Mirror Lake on the Yosemite Valley floor. Knees of iron needed!
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Postby beerguy » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:36 am


Little Yosemite Valley looks interesting.

Is the route from Glacier point better than going at it from Happy Isles?
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Postby dan » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:55 pm

Yeah--less crowded, you see rarely-seen Illilouette Falls, and see Little Yosemite Valley from above. More downhill.

You can leave your car in Yosemite Valley catch the morning bus from Yosemite Valley hotels (reserve and pay in advance at any hotel).

End up at Happy Isles.
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Postby bill-e-g » Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:31 pm

Since you've been there already I'd recommend:
Day 1) Get your permit as before and camp near the El Cap/Eg Pk Jct.
Day 2) Day Hike to El Cap and Eagle Peak (approx 8 miles)
Hike to the Edge of El Cap and Take a Look Straight Down >3k ft.
Day 3) Day Hike to North Dome (approx 10 miles)
Day 4) Out

This is just my recommendation for you. Since you have basecamp you
don't have to carry your gear around for the 2 day hikes.
You will have some solitude and will feel more in the Wilderness than
LYV. LYV is more like car camping w/o the car.
Whatever you decide you can't go wrong. All the trails in Yosemite
are beautiful.

Have fun
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Postby beerguy » Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:28 pm

bill-e-g wrote:Since you've been there already I'd recommend:
Day 1) Get your permit as before and camp near the El Cap/Eg Pk Jct.
Day 2) Day Hike to El Cap and Eagle Peak (approx 8 miles)
Hike to the Edge of El Cap and Take a Look Straight Down >3k ft.
Day 3) Day Hike to North Dome (approx 10 miles)
Day 4) Out

This is just my recommendation for you. Since you have basecamp you
don't have to carry your gear around for the 2 day hikes.
You will have some solitude and will feel more in the Wilderness than
LYV. LYV is more like car camping w/o the car.
Whatever you decide you can't go wrong. All the trails in Yosemite
are beautiful.

Have fun

Thanks. That actually makes really good sense. Permits for Glacier to LYV are booked so it's first come first served. That's more folks than I'd like to see in 4 days.

We'll probably do what you suggested. Our son is coming along this time. I also really want to see the view from on top of El Cap.
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