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August Trip

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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August Trip

Postby Michigander » Thu May 21, 2009 7:07 pm

Seven, soon-to-be first time visitors to Yosemite are planning a mid-August trip. Looking for any suggestions on a great 4 day hike/backpacking trip. We understand it is impossible to get permits for most of Yosemite Valley, but we are looking for a challenging (up and down okay) hike with lots of good views and great areas for overnight stays. Trailheads that you recommend? Places to hike to? Places to stay overnight?

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Postby Dave Miller » Thu May 21, 2009 10:31 pm

You can still get to the great places in Yosemite by starting out on one of the lesser used trailheads. I have found the Glacier Point to Illilouette a nice starting point. You can campout the first night in Illilouette basin / Mono Lake area and then head back to Little Yosemite for Half Dome or Clouds Rest. Another great trek in that area is Merced River from Little Yosemite Valley to Echo Valley or Merced Lake. This type of trek will give you great views, but some parts are in the more crowded places (generally it is more crowded because of the great views).

Another area to look at is along the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne. I have not hiked that area yet, but plan to soon. I'm not sure how much of a trek it is to go from Tuolumne Meadows to White Wolf in 4 days, but you certainly will hit some great sites and elevation.

A lot depends on if you want to do a loop hike or a through hike and how many miles a day you are expecting to do. With seven, you may have a bit more of a challenge to get a permit, but it can be done. I'm taking a group of nine to Yosemite this Memorial Day weekend.

Good Luck!
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Postby Michigander » Fri May 22, 2009 9:42 am

Thanks alot for your help Dave.

I understand that alot of the trailheads with access to Half Dome are already booked through August. Is it possible to hike Half Dome as part of a four day trip starting on others?

Any thoughts on trailheads of Yosemite Falls or Merced Lake/Snow Creek at that time of year? Is Half Dome accessible from these trailheads?

Any suggestions on climbing Half Dome?

Sorry for the dumb questions, new to Yosemite.
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Postby Dave Miller » Fri May 22, 2009 10:37 am

As said before, there are no dumb questions. I learned as you are learning, by asking questions and doing research. I commend you on that. I have seen too many people headed to Half Dome who were in no way prepared for the hike.

The way the Yosemite permit system works is that the permit indicates your first night's stay in the park. Once you have done your first night, then the park's open to you. If HalfDome is your goal, then Glacier Point to Illiouette , IMHO, is your best bet. Day 2 would go from Illilouette to Little Yosemite or the vacinity. That trek is about 8 miles. Once you are at LYV, you can hit half dome the next day. Start early, at least by 6:00am to beat the crowds.

Here are links for a 5 day trip I did last year:
Day 1 - Glacier to Illilouette: easy first day, not too long, just to get in the park.
http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip ... pId=56287#
Day 2 - Illilouette to LYV
http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip ... pId=56288#
Day 3 LYV to Half Dome: this route also shows a side trek up the JMT. I wanted to check out possible campsites for later expeditions. You could also plan to head to JMT depending on what you want to do.
http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip ... pId=56289#
Day 4 - LYV to Echo Valley. Great Day hike, but a long one
http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip ... pId=56298#
Day 5 - LYV to Happy Isles
http://www.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip ... pId=56292#

As I mentioned before, the key is what type of hike you want to do and miles per day. I'm not into death marches, some people are and that's okay, but I like to keep my days between 6-8 miles. We base camped at LYV, but had considered going to Merced Lake and then back around to JTM and down, but we ran out of days.

The Trailheads, Yosemite Falls & Snow Creek center around the North Rim area. Definitely a place to go and explore. My original plan for this weekend was to hit that area from Porcupine Creek, but we changed plans a couple of weeks ago because we were not sure that the road to the trailhead would be open there is still a lot of snow in the area. Merced Lake is on the South Rim side of the valley and the trailheads for Merced Lake are Happy Isles, Sunrise, Glacier Pt. It is a long trek to Merced Lake if you want to do it in a day. Too long for my tastes.

I hope this helps.
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Re: August trip

Postby Michigander » Mon May 25, 2009 5:06 pm

Dave, again thanks for your help........you provide some great information.

We are looking for a 4 day trip with the first three days being 8-10 miles of challenging hiking with good scenery. On day 4, we would like to do Half Dome............trying to camp as close to possible so we can get on the road as early as possible that day.

What are your thoughts on starting at the Mirror Lake/Snow Creek trailhead, camping up by May Lake night #1. On day #2, making our way over to Tenaya Lake and then onto Sunrise Lakes, maybe camping there. Day #3, moving down the trail towards Clouds Rest and camping near Half Dome someplace. Day 4 would be Half Dome.

Feel free to tear this trip apart.........really, I don't know what I am talking about.

What is your advice on doing the Half Dome...........where to camp the night before? When to start? How long would it take to climb to the top and then out and back to our car.............how would this work?

Thanks again for your help!
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Postby airrj » Mon May 25, 2009 11:09 pm


I will give you a few comments on some specific areas you are asking about. First, don't miss Clouds Rest, it is one of my favorite places in the park, and I make a trip up there every summer. Actually my wife and I make an overnight trip from Tenya Lake over Clouds Rest, camp just below Half Dome, catch the top of Half Dome in the AM, and then down to the valley.

So, for a good place to finish up, I would suggest that you setup camp just below Half Dome at about the 7400' level. This is area just below the tree line, and there is some good places off of the trail with good views over Tenya Canyon. We get up early in the AM and catch HD before the crowds, and then pack up camp and head down to the valley. You should be able to easily get to the Valley by early afternoon.

Another yearly trip is up Snow Creek, however I always head west at the top towards Yosemite Falls, so I can't offer too much info about the direction you are talking about. But, Snow Creek is an arduous climb. 103 switchbacks at my last count. That being said, the views of HD from Snow Creek is great.

So connecting the two, would be an uncommon hike, but I would say that you could get some great views.

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Postby Michigander » Tue May 26, 2009 7:26 pm

Thanks R.J.!

Is Snow Creek to May Lake in one day possible or is that crazy talk? I was told it was about 10 miles............what kind of hike is it? How long would it take 7 people who are in decent shape?
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Postby airrj » Tue May 26, 2009 10:58 pm

Full disclosure first, I have never headed NE out of Snow Creek before, so I am just going by what my map says and my trips up Snow Creek. It looks to be 10.4 miles from the base of Snow Creek to May lake, however don't forget the 2.5 or so miles from the backpackers campground to the base of Snow Creek, so you are looking at 12-13 miles. The climb up Snow Creek is a good climb which will bring you to 6700' quickly, and from there it looks to be a steady climb to May Lake which is 9360'. So it is still a ways up even though it is spread out over a distance. Is it possible, sure, certainly if my wife is in the lead, but it would be a serious day.

I have stared at my map for a half hour now trying to come up with some good ideas I think I have a suggestion. It is has allot in common with Dave's trip, but it is just a little more challenging. First, the map that I have used for years and it is a great reference is from www.tomharrisonmaps.com and it is:

Yosemite High Country pub. 2009, scale 1:63,360 80 ft contours $9.95

I would suggest getting yourself a good map like this one and then you can sit and daydream, I mean study, the routes to make an educated decision. You can get most all of this online I am sure, but you will want to carry a map with you anyway, and this is a nice waterproof map. Make the other six buy it for you, that is the reward for being the brains of the operation. :D

Ok, I am assuming that you are starting early/you are staying the night before in the valley; and not driving from Modesto or something crazy. The basic trip would be up 4 mile trail to Glacier Point and stay night one in Illiouette Canyon. Then day two head over past LYV and setup base camp. Day three would be a loop around and over Clouds Rest. Then day four would be up HD and then down and out. One downside of this route is you will be in some of the more popular portions of the park, so you won't be too alone, but there is a reason this area is popular.

Day 1: 7.0 miles. Up 4 mile trail to Glacier Point and then down to Illiouette Canyon for the night. The total miles is from the bus stop at Yosemite Lodge. I really like 4 mile trail, it is as always a serious climb out of the valley, but it has a nice steady grade and it is well shaded in the AM. You get great views of the western end of the valley for most of the climb and then at the top you come around and get the eastern view. Did I mention that you are across from Yosemite Falls the entire time. (Not that it will be any kind of falls in Aug). Then you have an easy couple of miles down to Illiouette Creek for the night. Illiouette Creek is a beautiful area.

Day 2: 7.9 miles. Head to Nevada Falls around the Panorama Cliffs. From there I would go past LYV and setup a base camp along the JMT past the HD trail seperation. This will get you out of LYV and far enough off of the HD trail to get you out of the traffic. I have never stayed in LYV myself, I have heard about all the bears there and people and I have just avoided it. I have stayed just a few miles out many times and have never had any critter problems. Just my prefference.

Day 3: 9.3 miles. Head up the JMT along Sunrise Creek and then split off north to the Clouds Rest trail. This will take you up Clouds Rest approaching from the north (my favorite approach) and then the Clouds Rest trail will bring you right back down to your camp. This will be a fairly good climbing day, but with lighter packs you should make good time.

Day 4: 12.0 miles. From your base camp head up to the top of HD. Get an early start and avoid all the people coming up from the valley. Then come down, pick up camp and head down to the valley via the JMT or Mist trail. The mileage is pretty high for day 4 but it is allot of down along the Merced. If you want to shorten up day 4, you could pick up camp on day 3 and camp along the HD trail close to the tree line. This would add to 3 and subtract from 4. As usual everything is adjustable.

As I said before, these are popular areas, but you won't be walking in a line of people all day, other than in the Mist/JMT corridor. Staying a few miles from LYV will quiet things down some as well. Clouds Rest is my favorite place along the rim of the valley, so I wouldn't miss that one, myself.

I hope this doesn't add too much more to the confusion.
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Postby bill-e-g » Tue May 26, 2009 11:03 pm

Bad idea.
> 12 miles
> 5200 ft. elevation gain.

You'll have a mutiny on your hands when you cross 120 and cars
are screaming by...
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Postby bill-e-g » Tue May 26, 2009 11:08 pm

Ok... I posted almost the same time as airj.
Again... if you follow that plan ... up 4 mile trail...

That is hike you do without a pack. or when GP road is closed IMO.

(I only go up Snow Creek in early spring to enjoy the falls...and
late in the year then Tioga Road is closed) (cool grape goodness)

Just my opinion. Not trying to offend anyone.
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Postby oakroscoe » Thu May 28, 2009 1:36 am

Well, I reckon I'll throw my opinion in the ring. And as a disclaimer, my opinion is based on the 7 of you michiganders (hey I lived in Southfield for a few months and then Troy for 18 months) being novice backpackers. 7 people is a pretty large group and in my experience large groups with rookies move very slowly.

IF that is the case, then I recommend the 10 Lakes trail. For a rookie backpacker, it is a pretty good trail. A decent amount in the first day to Halfmoon Meadow, the 2nd day into the Ten Lakes Basin and take your pic where you want to camp. The 3rd day a decent dayhike to Grant lakes or exploring in the basin and the 4th day back out to the trailhead. Its not the Valley or Half Dome, but the views are spectacular and the trail is like a highway and pretty much impossible to lose even while blindfolded on a pitch black night. Hah, plus in august you won't freeze to death when you jump in the lakes.
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Postby oakroscoe » Thu May 28, 2009 1:38 am

bill-e-g wrote:Just my opinion. Not trying to offend anyone.

Oh consider me offended!

Just kidding Mr. Bill-e-g! Thanks again for the topo route you sent me.
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Postby travelster » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:38 am

Features Yosemite tips and advice that the official sites are too official to tell you about, including inside info on hikes, lodging, the best times to visit, and ... http://www.yosemitehikes.com

Includes maps, activities, lodging, weather, and more. http://www.yosemitefun.com
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Postby Michigander » Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:56 pm

If the 7 of us reserve a Mirror Lake/Snow Creek trailhead permit and stay up near Tenaya Lake (probably not that far) on day 1..........are we free to go where ever on the next three days/nights? Is it possible to get over to the Sunrise Lake/JMT/Clouds Rest from there?

My next question is........we would like to do Half Dome very early on our last day in the park. If we are near Clouds Rest on the 2nd to last day, what is the best option to do this? Where is the best place to strategically camp on the night before Half Dome?

Opinions on Snow Creek to Tenaya Lake over to JMT to Clouds Rest to Half Dome? Again, just fishing for information.......if you want to tell me I am an idiot, go for it!

Also, what are the rules with fires on this route?

Thanks in advance!
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