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Stock gates (?) across trails

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Stock gates (?) across trails

Postby LVRAY » Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:03 pm

On our most recent trip in Yosemite, we saw 3 gate like structures that looked like stock gates across the trails. Two were up north - if I remember correctly, above Virginia & Matterhorn canyons. These were somewhat delapidated, but did not appear to be very old. The 3rd was in Pate Valley on the north side of the river just before the campsites. This one was actually closed.

I do not recall seeing these before. Does anyone know when they went in and what function they serve? The wire was not barbed and only extended from the gate to several feet away from the trail. Any animal other than a horse or a mule could easily get around a closed one.
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Postby bill-e-g » Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:33 am

Yeah, they are stock gates.
Supposedly if a mule gets away it can't wander all the way home.
They aren't the brightest but they know the way home.
You'll see them in a number of places... they're in a number of places
in the backcountry...
I despise them to be honest. Especially since anywhere where
people camp mules or horses should be tied up, hobbled, or corralled...
One time at Benson they left the mules run rampant on the
beach throughout the night. Nice. Not the greatest sense of
comfort hearing two mules pissing and running around right next
to your tent when you're trying to sleep. Needless to say we
were livid and just left the next morning.
The gates have been around for many decades...
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Postby LVRAY » Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:03 am

Thank you for the reply. I must not have been paying much attention to them. Maybe because most of them seemed to be at the top of ridges and I am ussually too tired to notice anything by the time I get up there!

They do seem odd tho, especially since 2 of the 3 we saw this last trip were obviously non-functioning and the packers should be tying-hobbling their stock as your state.
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