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Backpackers Camping in Tuolumne

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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Backpackers Camping in Tuolumne

Postby hiking*round » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:22 am

Hi all!

We are planning a backpacking trip at the end of the month and will passing through Tuolumne Meadows as part of the trip. I called and spoke with 2 different people at the Wilderness Permit offices and they gave me conflicting info. One said that because we were backpacking THROUGH TM we were not able to STAY in TM. The other said that because we held permits to backpack in the area, we should be fine to camp 1 night at the backpackers campground in TM. Have any of you had any experience with this one way or another? I don't really want to go against park rules, however with the conflicting info. I'm left a bit confused. If we have to hike THROUGH TM without stopping it will add a day to our trip that wasn't planned...

Any advice? I'm hoping we could stay in TM backpackers campground 1 night and it not be a problem...but I thought I'd see what you guys thought.

Thanks! :)
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:47 pm

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:34 am

The backpacker's campgrounds are supposed to be for the night BEFORE or the night AFTER your wilderness backpack. So technically staying in one in the middle is not playing by the rules.

However - it does not prevent you from renting/reserving a REGULAR campsite, or one of the tent cabins, or a night at the lodge... there may well be cancellations to take advantage of, or even one of the first come/first serve campsites.
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Postby hiking*round » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:39 am

Thanks! When you say one of the "first come/first serve" campsites - which ones are they and where do I find them??
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Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:47 pm

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:44 am

Most of the campgrounds hold a percentage of the sites aside for first come/first serve camping. Unfortunately, you have to get there pretty early in the day to grab one. Call the campground info line for the details of which sites those are and how to get one. I've never had luck with it except for the time one of us drove up to Bridalveil and registered a site first thing in the morning for that night (but then again, car camping in Yosemite tends to be something I avoid).

I believe in Tuolumne the FC/FS sites are the ones near the creek. But I could be wrong/have old information.
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