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4 Day Late Fall Trip

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

4 Day Late Fall Trip

Postby avc1 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:54 pm

My brother and I are planning a 4 day late fall/early winter trip backpacking at Yosemite (neither of us have ever been).

We are travelling there on 10/29 and returning 11/4. We are both very fit/active and have spent several trips in very harse conditions (4 nights snowshoelng in Wester Rocky Mountain National Park in January - 15 below F). We will be prepared for about anything.

However I'm looking for some input on routes that time of year. My proposal is.

Day 1 - Happy Isles to somewhere in LYV or upward (like to get as far as time permits - given we probably won't be on the trail until noon)
Day 2 - Sidetrip to Merced Lake, and then to Sunrise Lakes (fuller day than I'd like).
Day 3 - Over Clouds Rest. Probably camping near junction with JMT.
Day 4 - Out to Happy Isles.

I'll take any applicable input.
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Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:56 pm

Postby bill-e-g » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:57 pm

Since there is no overnight parking on 120 or GP Road after Oct. 15 your
choices are reduced. Regardless the route that you chose sounds like
you should be able to do no problem in 4 days (approx 35 miles).
Just be aware that camping is not allowed between LYV and Moraine
Dome. I'd plan to get to at least Moraine Dome on the first day anyway
(it's "only" 6 miles).
Of course the wildcard is the weather. Some years there is no snow
at all yet... you'll just have to monitor that. You may want to skew
your trip when you consult the forecast to give you a better chance
of 4 days of nice weather...
It is possible to cut some trail miles off by xcountry-ing between what I
call the Dolly Domes on your way towards Sunrise High Sierra Camp.
(you can walk up the stream that come from the HSC that flows
between two domes on its way to the Cathedral Fork)
(I've done it... but I am NOT responsible for your demise)
Anyway, that route is one of THE best in the Park IMO. Do it!
Have fun
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