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Which campsite to choose?

Discussion of camping and road-accessible campgrounds in and near Yosemite National Park

Moderators: Wickett, dan

Which campsite to choose?

Postby Corran9 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:35 pm

Hi! I'm living in Monterey for a few more months, and I made it a priority to see Yosemite before I leave. My chance is finally here over Labor day weekend, so myself and 2 friends are going for a camping trip. I'm assuming that with the holiday it will be extra crowded, but it's the only time we can go.

I want to reserve a campsite, but I don't know where would be best. We'll be arriving on motorcycles, so the road there can't be real bad. Parking lot close to any walk in campsites?

Also, we will do a decent amount of hiking, but are there any campsites near some simple rock climbing possibilities? One friend is an experienced rock climber, and I have some experience. So not looking to climb any mountains, but just somewhere to go play.

Anyway, I have less than 2 weeks to get this planned, and I want to try to reserve a spot before they all fill up for the holiday. Any advice would be appreciated
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Re: Which campsite to choose?

Postby dan » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:46 pm

The campgrounds in Yosemite Valley are the best for seeing Yosemite Valley. Nothing beats waking up in Yosemite and seeing the great valley walls towering above you. The Valley campsites are crowded though and full of loud, hyper kids at night.

Crane Flat is relatively close to Yosemite Valley and a lot quieter.

The walk-in campground in Yosemite Valley, Camp Four, is first-come, first-serve and has few sites.

Big wall climbing is best left for experts. Bouldering is popular near Camp Four. Tuolumne Meadows is very popular for bouldering and clmibing the various domes. There's a store, visitor center, and large campground there.

The website http://www.yosemitesites.com/ has a automatically-updated chart showing how many campsites are left for each day for each campground.

The website http://yosemitecampsites.com/ has pictures of Yosemite Campsites
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