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5-6 days high country trip, looking for advice & suggest

Hiking, backpacking, running, biking, climbing, rafting, and other human-powered activities in Yosemite National Park

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5-6 days high country trip, looking for advice & suggest

Postby brasi333 » Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:17 pm

FYI - I am a fit beginner, I have hiked much in my life but nothing close to what I am planning.

I will have 5-6 days up in the high country, and I had originally planned a trip from Happy Isles -> Half Dome-> Clouds Rest-> Lake Tenaya-> Indian Rock -> North Dome -> Yosemite Falls-> Valley Floor (more or less). However, now I doubt I can get a wilderness reservation for HI on my start day, so I was going to do it backwards - start at Yosemite Falls, which is much less crowded, then just do everything in reverse, ending with HI. I had a couple questions for anyone who has been up there recently or just had any good advice. However, I am open to route changes as well.

-Will I be able to cross the stream/river at Tenaya lake without getting my pack wet? I know its pretty strong now, I dont mind having to wade through some cold water, so long as I can dry off after and my pack stays ok.

- With the exception of Clouds Rest, which I know could have some snow, what have conditions been like (especially along the north side of the valley, Indiana Rock, North Dome, etc.)? The weather says around 65-70 highs and 35-40 lows, but in general will I be seeing any snow around 8500-9500 feet?

Also, if anyone has a good recommendation for a website for on the ground conditions I'd appreciate it. I've been using nws.noaa.gov and while its helpful it doesnt help me with knowing about snow that has already fallen due to all these T-storms we've been having.

Oh one last thing, could anyone recommend some good places to camp along that route? I've had some trouble finding high country campgrounds, I know of the one in LYV, and I know these arent real campgrounds like in the valley, but I was just looking for places where I could expect to find other people camping. This is my first time doing this and I'm going alone so I would like to be around people for the most part.

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Postby brasi333 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:31 am

After a bit more research (alot on this forum, thank you all for being such a great resource), I think I've settled on a few possible camp spots on the SE side of the valley, Lower Sun Rise Lake and places along the JMT junctions with CR trail and HD trail. Information on camps along the NW side of the valley has been elusive... does anyone know of anything after Indian Rock on the way to Tenaya Lake? I assume there would be some camp spots in the North Dome vicinity, but I would like to visit ND and Ind. rock my first day (en route from the valley floor via YF trail) and then preferably head down to Tenaya Lake trail before camping.

I realize that its ok to just camp anywhere pretty much, but as this is my first trip of this nature, going solo, I'd like to have the option to camp in some known areas with other people. Plus I may just want some company to share all the awesome experiences I'll have :D.

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Postby bill-e-g » Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:32 am

Love the loop!

I have no idea your abilities but most people would not go beyond
North Dome on day 1 IMO. Carrying a pack is a whole lot different
than day hiking.
At a total of 40 miles it's do-able in 5 days. Alot of elevation... prob
too much for most but... like I said.. great loop..
As far as finding people... your best best is around North Dome
and around Snow Creek bridge. Just below the bridge...
After that... the trail from there past Olmsted to Tenaya is not
a high use trail... you may only see a couple people... until the
throngs at Olmsted. If you are running behind you may want to
bum a ride from Olmsted to Sunrise TH. I think technically this
is 'frowned' upon but.. ?

If you can do it:
Day 1: Snow Creek Bridge (prob too much for 95% of people)
Day 2: Sunrise Lake (a tough second day for most)
Day 3: CR/HD Junction
Day 4: LYV (after summit of HD)

Actually you'll really want to try to push and do it like this. Unless
you want to do CR and HD in the same day.

You are gonna love it!

(if you have doubts about the length you could just go up Snow Creek Trail.. but then you miss Yose Falls... and ND... tough call!)

Have fun

(40 miles was going all the way down the mist)
(but if you get to LYV then either way won't matter at that point)
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Postby brasi333 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:01 pm

Bill, thanks for all the great advice. I had already found alot of information in your other posts and it was awesome to have you comment on this as well.

I took your warnings to heart and revised my schedule a little, since I really can have all of next week if I want. Now I'm thinking something like this:

6/20: Leave YF trail, camp somewhere around ND. (~8 mi)
6/21: ND to somewhere along the Lake Tenaya trail, camp. (7.2-9 mi depending on where I camp. Probably camp alone this night)
6/22: Lake Tenaya trail lower SR lake, camp. (7.2-9 mi, again depending on where I camp night before)
6/23: SRL camp to Clouds Rest/ JMT junction, camp. (7.3 mi)
6/24 : Junction camp to LYV, via half dome. (6.3 mi)
6/25 : LYV to HI. (3.8 mi)

Total of about 41.5 miles.

Couple things I'm worried about:
-First day I'm driving up and I need to get my permit, I may not be on the Yosemite Falls trail until noon or so. It makes sense that at an average of 2 mi/hr I could make it to ND and set up camp before dark, but I know it doesn't always work out like on paper. Is this feasible? It will be my first day so I'll be fresh, I'm in pretty good shape now, and I have good stamina (ex-cross country runner and whatnot).
-Crossing Tenaya Creek. Rangers tell me its going pretty good now. Anyone crossed it in the past week or so?
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Postby bill-e-g » Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:31 pm

You got a really good plan. Better to give youself the time
and maybe do it in less days than have to worry...
With Tioga Rd. open and only needing 1 permit spot your chances
are really good to get a permit for Yose Falls.
Only real questions are .. it's a free weekend so there may be more
traffic... and you're arriving on Saturday.
Remember that it is the longest days of the year now
so it will not be getting dark until after 8:30pm.
(so you should be able to get to ND on first day)
I was gonna go run by Tenaya Creek on Saturday... but I guess you'll
be going up the falls then... sorry about that...
Supposedly there is some snow from Sunrise to Clouds. Other
than that you shouldn't hit any snow really.
In answer to you question about the creek ... It's pretty wide there
so I very highly doubt it'll be much of an issue. Maybe thigh at the
highest is my guess. I've only crossed it July 4th timeframe and
then Sept.-ish and Nov. so I'm curious to see it as "full" flow.

Please give some sort of trip report when you get back please.
The weather is looking fabulous (we got rained on last 3 weekends

Have fun!
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Postby brasi333 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:15 pm

Please give some sort of trip report when you get back please.

Will do. I just went and rented my bear container, think I'm just about ready. Everyone have a fun time on their own trips! Detailed reports will follow in a week or so. Thanks again for all the help.
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