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From Mammoth to Yosemite

Travelling to and visiting Yosemite National Park. How to get there, what to see or do, and other Yosemite trip advice.

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From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby Betocd » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:25 pm

Hi everybody!

I'm from Brasil and will be going to CA next week.

I will stay in Mammoth (I coludn't find a Hotel with vacancy in Yosemit....) and have no idea how is the best way to go to Yosemit.
I will have a rented car, but google earth told me that it takes almos t 2 and 1/2 hours....
There is any kind of bus that I can take in Mammoth to go and back?

I will have 3 nights in Mammoth. If I take just one full day in Yosemit is ok, or is best go back a second day?

Thanks in advance for advices,
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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby dan » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:28 am

It will still takes 2 1/4 hours bus or rented car. There are closer places to Yosemite Valley than Mammoth Lakes. I suggest looking at lodging at El Portal, Mariposa, and Oakhurst. They are 30, 70, and 90 minutes from Yosemite Valley.

If you stay in Mammoth Lakes, you can visit Tuolumne Meadows in the park. It's a beautiful high-altitude meadow with rock formations.
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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby Betocd » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:42 pm

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply, but I'm already made a reservation in Mammoth Mountain Inn, so I need to stay in Mammoth.

I will try to visit Tuolumne Meadows.....

But you think that is better go by bus or by car? You know if there is a late bus to come back?

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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby dan » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:44 pm

It is definitely better/faster by car. There is only 1 bus per day (YARTS). Here's their schedule:


There's also a Hiker's bus to take people hiking from Tioga Road to Yosemite Valley. But it doesn't go all the way to Mammoth Lakes:
http://www.yosemitepark.com/activities_ ... adows.aspx

Car rental is available at Mammoth Lakes.
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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby Betocd » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:49 pm

Thanks a lot!
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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby hbsurf » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:52 pm

Don't miss out on all the valley has to offer. One day may not be enough. If you like hiking the half dome hike will take you all day, but well worth it. The Vernal falls hike is incredible right now. Most people don't continue up to Neveda falls from Vernal but that is also worth the time. Take a chair with you to Mirror lake and sit on the beach and have a beer for a while. Most people just walk up to it and look then leave. It's great to sit there and look up at half dome. Upper Yosemite falls is a great hike too but it's also nice to just look at lower Yosemite falls from the bridge. Happy Isles is also overlooked. It's right next to the Vernal start and most people skip it. Hike back about 300 yards past the end of the trail and find your own spot and enjoy the view. Finishing your afternoon in Curry Village with some pizza and beer is the best!

Renting a car and staying in Mammoth is not a bad deal. The drive you'll have is beautiful. Get up early and go. Don't miss out on all that Mammoth has to offer. Renting a moutain bike and doing the trails is fun. Sitting in the sun at the Yodler is a good way to finish the day. Angels restaruant on Main and Sierra has great good and good beer. Hanging out in the village is also a fun afternoon. The Rainbow falls hike in Mammoth is very dusty and the clay can bother some people. The end of the hike is a beautiful waterfall. Lake Mary in Mammoth is also killer to rent a boat and fish on.

Remember to leave early...I'm thinking by 6:30 at the latest. The parking at Curry fills up fast...by 9:30 that lot may be full. The Trailhead parking just past there is also good to look at for parking. As a general rule, as I pass the Sentinel bridge and I see cars already parking on the left next to the meadow I grab a spot there, no need to look in the Curry parking lot.

There is alot of water right now. 3 people just died at Vernal so be careful. I swim in the Merced every year and also at the top of Vernal in the Emerald pool. I had to really be careful this season.

Have fun!

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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby Betocd » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:27 am

Wow Dave!
Some many thanks to you!

I will have a short stay (3 nights total), so I'm not sure if I will have time to do all the things that you suggested, but I will try :).

Right now I will mark on Google Erath all this points to try make the best route!

Thanks again,

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Re: From Mammoth to Yosemite

Postby hbsurf » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:41 pm

I've traveled to Cabo, Hawaii, Indo, Costa Rica and up and down Califronia to surf. Yosemite Valley is still my favorite place on Earth.

Enjoy it.
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