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Yosemite > Library > Birds of Yosemite > Fowl-like Birds >
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R. in coniferous forests (chiefly of Douglas-fir and white and red firs) of the Sierra up to an elevation of 11,000 feet. Fairly common R. in Yosemite region in Canadian and upper Transition life zones; ranges into the Hudsonian zone in late summer.
SAGE GROUSE (Centrocercus urophasianus): 22-30 in. Above variegated brown, black, gray, and buff; below whitish, marked on throat and breast with black; belly black; tail long with stiff, pointed feathers; bill and feet blackish. Female: Smaller, with shorter tail. Resembles small turkey. Whirring sound produced in flight.
Inhabits sagebrush flats, depending upon this plant for food. C. V. to Yosemite region east of Sierran crest. Reported from near Granite Lake and Mount Conness.
R. on mountain slopes covered with brush (manzanita, chinquapin, snowbush, etc.) and broken forest. In higher mountains migrates on foot to lower elevation in winter. In Yosemite R. in the Canadian and Transition life zones. Occurs with the California quail in the lower Transition zone, as in Yosemite Valley.
Favors brushland broken by tracts of grass or weedy ground. Found at lower elevations in the Yosemite region, in the Upper Sonoran life zone and occasionally in the lower Transition life zone, as in Yosemite Valley.
Next: Crane-like Birds • Contents • Previous: Hawk-like Birds
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