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One Hundred Years in Yosemite (1947) by Carl P. Russell


The following entries refer particularly to narrative pages. For further references, see under appropriate date in Chronology.



Abrams, LeRoy, 134
Acknowledgments, ix-xi
Adams, James Capen, 127, 134, 180
Adams, Virginia and Ansel, 73, 191
Administration, Yosemite, 146-175
Agua Fria, first Mariposa County seat, 12, 20, 24
Ahwahnee, Indian name for Yosemite Valley, 37. See also Camp Ahwahnee
Ahwahnee Hotel, 101, 115-116
Airplane, first in Yosemite Valley, 188
Albright, Horace M., biographical notes, 169-170
All-Year Highway, 86, 169-170, 188-189
Alta California, quoted, 26, 28, 38-39; another use, 103
American Association of Museums, x-xi. See also Yosemite Museum
American [Planning and] Civic Association, 161
Anderson, George G., 79; Trail of, 109
Arboretum, Wawona, 187
Aurora, mining town, 124, 127
Automobiles in Yosemite, 69
Ayres, Thomas, Yosemite sketches by, 48, 58, 147, 181

Badè, W. F., writings of, 153-154
Badger Pass, 91, 173, 191, 193
Ball, George A., 162
Barnard, J. K., 98. See also Sentinel Hotel
Barrett, Samuel A., 132
Beadle, J. H., quoted, 53-55, 103
Beardsley, ]luck, 96
Beardsley and Hire. See Upper Hotel
Beatty, M. E., 131, 136, 193
Bennetville. See Tioga
Benson, Col. Harry C., 77, 159, 160; quoted, 83
Benton, California, 124
Best, Harry C., 186, 191
Bierstadt, Albert, 181
Big Oak Flat: Trail, 52; Road, 164-170
Big Oak Flat and Yosemite Turnpike Company, 63
Big Tree Room, 58
Big Trees: discovery, 8; Mariposa Grove, 8; Merced Grove, 8, 62; writings about, 133-134; Tuolumne Grove, 184
Big Trees Lodge, 113, 189, 191
Bigelow, Maj. John, 187
Black, A. G., 95, 96
Black Bart. See Highwaymen
Black’s Hotel: Bull Creek, 101; Yosemite Valley, 56, 96, 101, 123-128 passim
Bloody Canyon, 46, 74, 118, 119
Bodie: boom days of, 64-65, 118, 124; mining district organized, 126; relics, 128
Body, W. S., 125, 127
Boling, Captain John: and Mariposa Battalion, 25, 36, 180; first entrance into Yosemite Valley of, 37; first letter from Yosemite Valley by, 38, 180; quoted, 38-39; second entrance into Yosemite Valley of, 180
Bolles, Ida Savage, 16
Botanical studies in Yosemite, 133-134
Boutcell Dunlap collection, 16 n., 30
Bowditch, Mrs. Ernest W., 48
Boysen, J. T, 69, 193
Brace, Charles Loring, 97, 99; quoted, 97-98, 99-100
Brewer, William H., 71, 78, 129, 130
Brockman, C. Frank, x, 136, 144; quoted on trails, 82
Brooks, Joel H., investigated Savage killing, 30-32

Brower, David R., xi; quoted, 87-91
Brusky, William, 118
Bryant, H. C., 136, 138-143 passim; quoted, 140
Bumpus, H. C., 142, 193
Bunnell, L. H.: quoted on Walker, 7; writings of, 14, 16; quoted on Savage, 19-20; quoted on mistreatment of Indians, 27; and naming of Yosemite Valley, 37; and naming of Tenaya Lake, 39; Yosemite Valley surveyed by, 92; trail built by Coulter and, 92; and first house built in Yosemite, 55, 93; quoted on first view of Yosemite, 146; quoted on aesthetic appreciation of Yosemite, 147; influence on Yosemite reservation, 147
Bureau of American Ethnology, 132
Burney, James, with volunteer Indian fighters, 24
Buwalda, John P., 131, 190

Cain, Mr. and Mrs. D. V., 128
Caine, Capt. J. E., 186
California Fish and Game Commission, 138, 140, 143, 185
California Magazine. See J. M. Hutchings
California State Geological Survey, 71, 129. See also J. D. Whitney
Calkins, F. C., 131
Cammerer, Arno B., 173
Camp Ahwahnee, 112
Camp Curry, 111-113
Camp Lost Arrow, 112
Camp Yosemite, 112
Campbell, William J., and mistreatment of Indians, 28, 29
Camps, High Sierra. See High Sierra Camps
Carl Inn Tract, 163, 171
Caton, J. D., quoted, 98
Cedar Cottage. See Upper Hotel
Central Pacific Railroad, 63, 182
Chandler, Mrs. A. E., 40
Chapel, Yosemite Valley, 102
Chittenden, Hiram M., 157
Church Bowl, Yosemite, 191
Churchill, Caroline M.. quoted, 102
Civilian Conservation Corps, 191, 192
Clark, Galen: papers of, 40; established station now known as Wawona, 50-51; as geologist, 130; writings of, 133; first Yosemite guardian, 150; as surveyor, 180; death of, 187; memorial to, 187
Clark and Moore’s Hotel, 100
Clark’s (Galen) Ranch: as a resort, 99-101; as headquarters, U. S. Army, 157. See also Wawona
Coarse Gold, 26
Colby, William E., 156-157
Cole, James E., 136
Commonwealth Club of California, 86
Conness, Mount, 72, 148
Conness, Senator John, 148
Conway, John, trail builder, 79, 80, 104, 108, 182, 183
Cook, J. J., 111
Cook, L. F., 134
Corcoran, May Stanislas, 11
Cosmopolitan saloon, 103-104
Coulter, George W, 58
Coulter and Murphy, 98. See also Sentinel Hotel
Coulterville: Trail, 52, 181; Road, 53, 62, 63, 163-164
Coulterville and Yosemite Turnpike Company, 61, 62
Craig, Maj. L. A:, 186
Cunningham, S. W., 93-96 passim
Clary, Mr. and Mrs. D. A., 111-113

Daniels, Mark, 161, 188
Davidson, Professor George, 71-72, 130
Davis, Milton F., 77, 139
Deer, hoof and mouth disease epidemic in, 189
Degnan’s bakery and Store, 110
Del Portal Hotel, 187
Dennison, W. E., 184
Desmond Park Service Company, 109, 112
Devils Postpile, 171, 187
Dill, William, 25, 36
Dixon, Joseph, 135
Dodd, Derrick, 108-109
Drury, Newton B.: quoted, vii-viii; and National Park Service wildlife policy, 137; and Save-the-Redwoods League, 173; appointed to Yosemite Advisory Board, 173; Director, National Park Service, xii, 173-174

Eagle Peak Trail, 80
Earthquake in Yosemite Valley, 183
Echo Wall Trail, 185
Education Department. See Yosemite Education Department, and Park Naturalists
Electric power plant: Cascades, 168; Happy Isles, 186
Eleven-Mile Trail, 104, 109
Elias, S. P., 16 n; quoted, 17
Elk, California Valley: introduced into Yosemite, 189; removed, 191
Elliott’s History of Fresno County, 16 n; quoted, 29, 30
El Portal, 68. See All-Year Highway
Ernst, Emil, 134
Esmeralda Mining District, 126
Ethnological studies, 132-133
Eustis, Mrs. A. H., 49
Ewing, Frank B., 85
Exploration of Yosemite, 71-91

Farquhar, Francis P.: acknowledgment to, xi; evaluation of Walker’s discovery of Yosemite, 7
Farrow, T. E., 113-114
Firefall, Glacier Point, 108, 112
First mountaineering ascents: Cathedral Peak, 78; Mount Clark, 78; Mount Conness, 78; Mount Dana, 78; Mount Hoffmann, 78; Mount Lyell, 78, 191; Half Dome, 79; Cathedral Spires, 88; routes on valley walls, 88; Lost Arrow, 89
Fish. See California Fish and Game Commission
Fiske, George, photographer, 40
Flood, Yosemite, 69-70
Foley, D. J., quoted, 66-68
Force, Lieut. Wm., 186
Forsyth, Major W. W., 77, 159
Fort Miller, 29, 46
Fort Yosemite, 160
Four-Mile Trail, 80-81, 108
Frémont, John Charles: visit to Yosemite region, 12; home in Bear Valley, 13; and Fremont Grant, 13; Bear Flag party of, 18
French Company, the, 12, 13
Fresno Flats, 123. 124

Gale, Capt. G. H. G., 185
Gardiner, James T., 71, 78, 148 n
Garrard, Lt. Col. Jos., 187
Geological studies, 129-132
Gifford, E. W., 132
Glacier measuring, 190
Glacier Point: Mountain House, 107-109; Hotel, tog; passenger lift proposal, 109; Road, 109, 170
Godfrey, Elizabeth H., x, 60, 133, 193
Goethe, C. M., 137, 138
Gold discovery, influence on Yosemite history, 10-13
Golden Crown Mine, 122
Gordon-Cumming, Lady, quoted, 108
Government Center, 189
Grazing: permitted in Yosemite, 188. See also Yosemite National Park, exploitation of
Great Sierra Mining Company, 119, 120
Greeley, Horace, 58
Grinnell, Joseph, 135
Grover, Stephen F., 40; quoted, 40-45
Guidebooks, 73-74, 89

Habitation, first in Yosemite, 55, 93
Hall, Ansel F., xi, 135; and establishment of Yosemite Museum, 140-141, 144
Hall, Harvey M. and Carlotta C., 134
Hall, Tommy, 104
Hamlin, C. J., and establishment of Yosemite Museum, 141
Harlow, Geo. T, 186
Harris, A., and Harris Camp Grounds, 106-107
Harvey, Walter H.: and death of Savage, 30-62; and mistreatment of Indians, 28, 29
Harwell, C. A., x, 136, 144
Hein, Maj. O. L., 186
Hetch Hetchy Valley: rights granted to San Francisco, 161, 187, 188; as a reservoir, 161-162; fight for preservation of, 162 n, 156; discovery of, 179; dam enlarged, 191
High Sierra Camps, 87, 113-115, 167, 191
High Sierra snow surveys, 190
High Sierra trails, 8,, 82, 83-85
Highwaymen: Black Bart, 66; of the Chowchilla, 66-68
Hite, John, 52
Hite’s Cove route, 52, 93
Hoffmann, Charles F., 71, 78
Holbrook, J. C., quoted. 94
Holmes, A. E., quoted, 69
Holmes, L. A., editor, Mariposa Gazette, 50
Homer, L. L., 121
Homer Mining District, 121
Homer Mining Index, 119, 121, 122; quoted, 119-120, 122
Hospital. See Lewis Memorial Hospital, Ahwahnee Hotel (U. S. Navy), and Yosemite Hospital (U. S. Army)
Hotels. See Ahwahnee, Barnard’s, Big Trees Lodge, Black’s, Camp Ahwahnee, Camp Curry, Camp Lost Arrow, Camp Yosemite, Cedar Cottage, Clark and Moore’s, Clark’s Ranch, Cosmopolitan, Coulter and Murphy, Del Portal, Glacier Point, Harris Camp Grounds, High Sierra Camps, Hutchings House, La Casa Nevada, Leidig’s, Lower, Oak Cottage, Peregoy’s, River Cottage, Rock Cottage. Sentinel, Stoneman House, Tuolumne Meadows Lodge, Upper, Wawona, Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Lodge
Hotels and their keepers, 92-116
Howard, Maggie, 190, 193
Hubbard, Mrs. C. W, 48
Huntington, Ellsworth, 134
Hutchings, Emily A., quotation from, 59-60
Hutchings, Florence, 182
Hutchings, James Mason: writings of, 16, 50, 56, 57; quoted, 35, 56, 78; and first interest in Yosemite. 48, 56, 80, 91, 96-98; Yosemite publicity, 50, 147, 151; Home in Yosemite of, 57, 98; as hotel proprietor, 58; as guardian of Yosemite Grant, 59, 152, 184; death of, 59; and trails, 80; and litigation concerning Yosemite holdings, 96, 98, 149-152; orchard, 98; as guide, 107
“Hutchings,” Tom, 48
Hutchings House: applied to Cedar Cottage, Oak Cottage, River Cottage, Rock Cottage, Sentinel Hotel, Upper Hotel, which see

Indian Canyon Trail, 80
Indian Commissioners, 36
Indian exhibit in Yosemite, 190, 193
Indian trails, 74-77
Indian tribes of Yosemite region: Ah-wah-nee-chees, 12, 132; Chowchillas, 22, 76, 77; Chukchansi, 22, 75, 76, 77; Miwoks, 74, 75, 76, 132; Mono, 46, 47, 76; Nuchu, 36, 99; Southern Miwok, 75; Yokuts, 75, 76
Indians of Yosemite region: first clash between whites and, 24-25; murders preceding Yosemite Indian War by, 21; and Mariposa Indian War, 21; treaties with, 26; reservations for. 26, 28, 35, 36, 40; mistreatment of, 27, 28; effect of Savage’s death upon, 33-34; dealings with Indian agents, 36; Wawona campsite of Nuchus, 36, 99
Indians of Yosemite Valley: attack on Savage’s trading post, 21; participation in Mariposa Indian War, 24; and failure to sign treaty, 26, 36; first surrender to whites, 36; return to Yosemite Valley, 40; attack on prospectors, 10-45; strife with Mono Indians, 46-48; second surrender to whites, 180; interview with last survivor of original band of, see Lebrado
Ireland, Louise Savage, 16, 34

Jepson, Willis L.. 133, 134
John Muir Trail, 83-85
Johnson, Robert Underwood, editor of Century Magazine, 155
Johnston, Adam, quoted, 77
Jorgensen, Chris, 186, 191
Juarez, Chief Jose, 22-24

Kat, William, 88
Kemp. J. C., 119
“Kenneyville” property, 101
King. Clarence: as geologist, 71, 129; as mountaineer, 78; as mapper, 95. 148 n; quoted, 95-96
Kittredge, Frank A.: acknowledgment to, xi; quoted, 171; biographical notes, 172-173
Kroeber, A. L.: cited, 75; writings of, 132
Kuykendall, John J.. 25, 36

La Casa Nevada, 80, 104-105
Lake. W. B.. quoted, 106-107
Lake Mining District, 123
Lamon, James C., first homesteader, 147-150 passim
Lebrado, Maria, last survivor of Yosemites, 25, 47-48
LeConte, J. N., 72, 84, 130, 182, 193
LeConte, Joseph: as geologist, 130; first Yosemite trip, 205; memorial lectures, 188
LeConte Memorial Lodge. 83, 130, 186
Ledge Trail, 107, 188
Leevining Canyon, 46, 122
Leidig, G. F., 95, 101
Leidig’s Hotel, 101-103
Lembert, John B., 119, 185. See also Tuolumne Soda Springs
Leonard, Archie, 122, 161
Leonard, Richard M., 89
Leonard, Zenas: as trapper, 4-5; clerk of Walker party, author of earliest Yosemite document, 5, 6-7, 8
Lewis, ‘Washington B., biographical notes, 167-169
Lewis Memorial Hospital, 190
Littebrant, Major William T. 161
Little Yosemite Trail, 104
Lodges. See Hotels
Longhurst, Peter, 95
Lower Hotel, 56, 93-96
Lundy, 119, 121, 112
Lundy, W. J., 121

McCauley, James: and Glacier Point Mountain House, 108-109; originator of firefall, 108; trail builder, 79, 80, 107-108
McClure, Lieut., N. F.. 77, 159
McCord, Mark L., 185
McDuffie, Duncan, and Yosemite Advisory Board, 190
McHenry, Donald Edward, 144
McLean, Dr. John T, 61, 62, 63; quoted, 62
Macomb, Lieut. M. M., 71, 130
Mammoth City, 123, 124
Mammoth City-Fresno Trail, 123-124
Mammoth City Herald, 123, 125
Mammoth City Times, 123
Mann Brothers, Houston and Milton, 50, 51, 92
Maps, 71-73, 77
Maria, last of Yosemites. See Lebrado
Mariposa: history of, 11, 179; origin of name, 11-12 n; pioneers of, 11-12
Mariposa Battalion, 25-26, 36
Mariposa-El Portal-Yosemite Valley Road. See All-Year Highway
Mariposa Estate, 13, 92. 179
Mariposa Gazette and first printed description of Yosemite, 50
Mariposa Grove of Big Trees: in State Park, 148-149; discovery, 180; explored by Galen Clark, 181; log cabin, 185; Museum, 190
Mariposa-Hite’s Cove Road, 52
Mariposa [Indian] Trail, 51, 52, 99
Mariposa Indian War. See Indians of Yosemite Valley
Mariposa-Wawona-Yosemite Valley Road, 63
Marshall, James W, 10
Marshall, R. B.. 72, 188
Marvin, Judge John G.. 30, 31, 32
Master Plan of Yosemite National Park, 80, 86, 171-175

Mather, Stephen T: Mountain Party of 1916, 85; and John Muir Trail, 85; and National Park Service educational program, 137-138; appointed Director of National Park Service, 161; Tioga Road purchased by, 164; biographical notes, 164-167, 168-173 passim
Matthes, François E., 73, 131
May Lundy Mine, 122
Memorials: J. D. Savage placque, 35; LeConte Lodge, 130; Galen Clark seat, 187; LeConte lectures, 188; Parsons Lodge, 188; Lewis Hospital, 190
Merced Grove of Big Trees, 8
Merced-Wawona Road, 10,
Merriam, C. Hart, 132
Merriam, John C., 142
Merriam, Lawrence C., 171-172, 192
Michael, Charles, 88
Michael, Enid, 134-135, 189
Miller, Adolph C., 161
Miller, Loye H., 188; quoted, 138-140
Mills, Cosie Hutchings (Mrs. Gertrude Hutchings), 59, 60
Mining Districts. See Bodie, Esmeralda, Homer, Lake, Montgomery, Mount Hoffmann, Tioga
Mono Diggings, 118
Mono Indians, strife with Yosemites, 46-48
Mono region mining, 117-128
Mono Trail, 46, 74, 118
Mono Weekly Messenger, 125
Monoville, 118
Montgomery Mining District, 124
Moore, Edwin, 100
Moore, Lieut. Tredwell: and attack on Yosemite Indians, 46; Mono explorations of, 46, 117
Moran, Thomas, art collection, 191
Motor vehicles. See Automobiles
Mountain View House. See Peregoy’s
Mountaineering, 26, 78-79, 87-89; National Park Service policy on, 89. See also First mountaineering ascents
Mount Dana Summit Mine, 120-121
Mount Hoffmann Mining District, 184
Muir, John: as mountaineer, 78, 79, 88; quoted, 79; as explorer, 84, 182; death, 84, 188; as geologist, 130; writings, 133-134, 155, 183; as teacher of Yosemite values, 138, 152-156; as sheepherder in Yosemite, 152-153; “lumbering operation” of, 153; in the employ of Hutchings, 153-154; quoted on his Yosemite cabin by Badè, 153-154. See also Sierra Club
Muir Trail. See John Muir Trail
Murphy, John L., 184, 185
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, 195

Nature guiding, 138-141
Neal, Mr. and Mrs. John H., 94
Nuchu Indian camp, 36, 99

Oak Cottage, 98
Oastler, Frank R., 141
Olmsted, Frederick Law (elder): as superintendent of Mariposa Estate, 13; as chairman, first Board of Yosemite Commissioners, 13, 149; quoted, 149
Olmsted, Frederick Law (younger): as National Park Service Collaborator, 14; appointed to Yosemite Advisory Board, 14
Orchards in Yosemite Valley: Hutchings’, 98; Lamon’s, 148
Ostrander Lake Ski Hut, 91, 192
Ostrander’s, 51

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 187
Packing (animals), 53, 87
Pardee, Gov. Geo. C., 187
Park Naturalists of Yosemite, 144
Parker, Harry C., 136
Parsons Memorial Lodge, 188
Passes used by Indians, 76
Peregoy, Charles E., 51, 105, 107
Peregoy’s Hotel, 51, 105-106
Photographs, first of Yosemite Valley, 56-57
Pilgrim Society, 126
Pine City, 123
Porter, Mrs. Sarah Seton, 17
Presidents visiting Yosemite: Theodore Roosevelt, 156, 187; Hayes, 184; Franklin D. Roosevelt, 192
Presnall, C. C., 136
Private lands. See Yosemite National Park, private lands

Radio communications, 191
Railroads: Central Pacific, 63; connections with stage routes, 63; Yosemite Valley, 68, 69-70
Raker, John E., 161-162
Rangers, 158; organization of, 161; club house, 189
Raymond, I. W., and Yosemite Grant, 182
Research Reserves, 190
River Cottage, 98
Road policy: and realignment, 86; obliteration, 86; and mountain wilderness values, 86
Roads. See All-Year Highway, Big Oak Flat, Coulterville, El Portal-Yosemite Valley, Glacier Point, Mariposa-Hite’s Cove, Mariposa-Wawona-Yosemite Valley, Sonora Pass, Tioga, Wawona-Merced
Robinson, Charles D., 184
Rock Cottage, 98
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 162
Rockefeller, Laura Spelman Memorial. See Yosemite Museum
Rodgers, Capt. Alexander, 77, 185
Roosevelt, Theodore, and Antiquities Act of 1906, 156
Rosenblatt, Arthur, 57
Rucker, Maj. L. J., 186
Russell, Carl P., 135, 144
Russell, I. C., 130

Saddle parties, 50-60
San Francisco Daily Herald, quoted, 29, 32, 33-34
Savage, James D.: as trader, 14; trading posts, 14, 19, 20-21, 23, 24, 25, 26; role as discoverer of Yosemite Valley, 15; boyhood, 17; marriage, 17, 21; arrival in California, 18; champion of Indians, 18, 29; intimacy with Indians, 18, 21; as white chief of the foothills, 18-35; associated with Rev. James Woods, 19; Bunnell quoted on, 19-20; quoted, to, 27; trouble with Indians, 21-27; described by old Indian, 25; in command of the Mariposa Battalion, 25, 36, 146; aid to Indian agents, 26; as military leader and trailfinder, 26, 75; quarrel with Harvey, 30-32; death of, 30-35; burial, 34
School, Yosemite Valley public, 183
Second U. S. Infantry. See Lieut. Tredwell Moore
Sell, W. M., 187. See also Camp Ahwahnee
Sentinel Hotel, 98, 112
Sequoia giganlea. See Big Trees
Sharsmith, Carl W., 134
Sheepherder Mine. See Tioga Mine
Sheepmen, trails used by, 77
Sherman, E. A., editor, Esmeralda Star, 126
Shirley, James C., 134
Sierra Club: acknowledgment to, xi; and mapping, 72; and trails, 84, 85-86; outings, 84, 186; purposes, 86, 156; Rock-Climbing Section, 88; lodges, 130, 186, 188; and U. S. Geological Survey, 131; and study of fauna, 135; and John Muir, 156; and creation of Yosemite National Park, 156; and Antiquities Act, 156; and William E. Colby, 156-157; and Yosemite recession, 160, 185; Soda Springs property of, 187
Sierra Club Bulletin, xi, 156
Sierra Telegraph Company, 121
Skiing, 90-91, 173, 191, 193
Smedberg, W. R., 159
Smith, C. E., 103
Smith, Jedediah S.: in ranks of “Fur Brigade,” 1; trip to California by, 1, 2; first white to cross Sierra Nevada, 2, 179
Snow, Albert, 79, 104, 123; trail built by, 80, 104
Snow surveys of High Sierra. 190
Sonora Pass: Road, 127; Trail, 10, 75, 76, 80, 118
Southern Mines, 11
Sovulewski, Gabriel, 159, 187; quoted, 83, 159-160; death of, 189, 192
Stagecoach days, 61-70
Stagecoaches: types of, 61: replaced in Yosemite by automobiles, 69
Staging, unknown author quoted on, 61-65
Starr, W. A., Jr., guidebook, 73-74
Stoneman House, 101, 111
Storer, Tracy I., 135
Street, Harlow, 183
Sudworth. George B., 133
Survey parties, 71-73

“ Ta-bu-ce.” See Howard, Maggie
Taylor, Mrs. H. J., x, 132
Telegraph lines. 183, 187
Telephone: first in Yosemite, 185; first adequate system in Yosemite, 187
‘Tenaya, Chief of the Yosemites: first surrender to whites, 36; captured by whites, 37, 39; death of, 46-48; and Mono Indians, 46-48. See also Indians of Yosemite Valley
Tenaya Lake: origin of name, 39; trail, 46, 187; and John L. Murphy claim, 184, 185
Thomson, Col. Charles G., 86, 170-171
Tileston, John Boies, 78
Tinkham, George G.: quoted, 19; writings of, 16 n
Tioga (settlement), 118, 119
Tioga-Lundy Trail, 121—122
Tioga Mine (Sheepherder), 118. 119
Tioga Mining District, 19, 120, 121
Tioga Road, 81, 120, 164, 170, 95
Toll roads, policy, 163
‘Toll trails, policy, 79. 80-81, 85, 163
Trading posts. See Savage
Trail policy, 87
Trails. See Anderson’s, Big Oak Flat, Coulterville, Eagle Peak, Echo Wall, Eleven-Stile, Four-Mile, High Sierra, Hite’s Cove, Indian Canyon, John Muir, Ledge, Little Yosemite, Mammoth City-Fresno, Mariposa, Mono, Sonora Pass, Tenaya Lake. ‘Tioga-Lundy, Yosemite Falls
Trask, John B., 129; quoted, 117
Tresidder, Donald B., 113, 162; Mary Curry, xi, 113, 134
Tuolumne Grove of Big Trees, 8, 181, 181
Tuolumne Meadows Lodge. 114, 188
Tuolumne Meadows Soda Springs, 119; purchased by Sierra Club, 187
Tuolumne Meadows trail, 46
Turner, H. W., 130
Twain, Mark, 127

U. S. Army: pioneer activity in Yosemite, 77-78; in charge of Yosemite National Park, 77, 157-161; and building of trails, 78; Wawona headquarters, 157, 185; and Fort Yosemite, 160; and Yosemite Arboretum, 187; first plans for Yosemite Museum made by, 187; Signal Corps in Yosemite, 192
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 72
U. S. Forest Service and John Muir Trail, 84, 85
U. S. Geological Survey, 71, 72, 73, 85, 131
U. S. National Park Service: administration of Yosemite, vii-viii, 161—175 passim; and trails, 84; establishment of, 161
U. S. Navy and Special Hospital (Ahwahnee Hotel), 116
U. S. Weather Bureau, 187
Upper Hotel, or Hutchings House, 56. 57, 58, 93, 96—99; Big Tree Room, 58

Vegetation type map, 192
Vining, Lee. 46
Vivian, A. P., quoted, 100-101, 102

Wagon: first, 55, 179; freight, 64; mud, 64
Walker, Joseph R.: with Bonneville, 3, 4, 5; biographical notes, 3-8: discovery of Yosemite by, 5, 6-8; grave, 7; discoverer of Big Trees, 8

Walker, M. V., 136
Wallace, Miles, 186
Walworth and Hite Hotel, 56, 93
Ward, Marjorie Montgomery, 190
Wartime problems in Yosemite, xii, 116, 149, 173-174, 192, 193
Washburn, Coffman, Chapman, and Company’s: Mariposa Road, 63; Wawona Hotel, 9g-101
Watkins, C. E., 181
Wawona: U. S. Army headquarters, 157, 160; as a Nuchu Indian campsite, 36; Galen Clark’s ownership, 50-51; Hotel, 99-101; Fish Hatchery, 185; first Yosemite museum planned for, 187. See also Clark’s Ranch, Clark and Moore’s
Wawona basin, acquisition of, 190
Wawona Road, 170, 191
Wawona ‘Dee, 184
Wawona Tunnel, 170, 191
Weed, C. L., photographs by, 55-56
Westfall’s, 51
Wheeler Survey, 71
Whitney, Josiah D., 71, 78, 129-130; quoted, 79
Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 142
Wilcox, Capt. E. F., ,86
Wildlife studies, 134-137
Winchell, L. A., writings of, 16 n
Winter sports, 90—91, 173
Wolfe. Linnie Marsh, 98
Wood, Capt. Abram Epperson, 158
Wright, George M., 131, 135, 136, 143

Yelverton, Therese, Viscountess Avonmore, 98
Yosemite Advisory Board, 14, 157, 173, 190, 193
Yosemite Chapel, 102, 184
Yosemite Church Bowl, 191
Yosemite Commissioners, Board of: first chairman, 13, 149: action on road rights, 62-63, 151-152; failure of legislation to support, 63, 151-152; action on trails, 79; action on homestead claims by, 149-152; effect upon, of National Park bill, 157; termination of authority of, 160
Yosemite Education Department: origin of, 137-145; objectives, 137-138: and Yosemite Arboretum, 187. See also Yosemite Museum, Yosemite Natural History Association, Yosemite Nature Notes, Yosemite School of Field Natural History
Yosemite Falls Hotel. See Sentinel Hotel
Yosemite Falls Trail, 80
Yosemite Grant. See Yosemite State Park
Yosemite Hospital (U. S. Artny), 187
Yosemite Lodge, 112, 188
Yosemite Master Plan, 80, 86, 174-175
Yosemite Museum: acknowledgments to, ix-xi; and story of Savage, 15 and Ayres sketches, 48-49; exhibits in, lof, 133; organization of, 141-145, 189; first plans made at Wawona, 187; new building opened, 189; Glacier Point brands of, 189; Garden, 190; “Live Indian Exhibit; 190; and Thomas Moran Collection, 191; and Chris Jorgensen paintings, 191
Yosemite Museum Association, 144
Yosemite National Park: exploitation of region of, vii-viii, 151-156, 158, 160, 161-162, 175, 180, 181; private lands, 149-151, 157, 162-163; established, 154-159; State Park within, 155; championed by Sierra Club, 156-157; military in charge, 157-161; boundary revision of, 157, 187
Yosemite National Park Company, 112, 113
Yosemite Natural History Association, 137, 144-145
Yosemite Naturalist Department, 144-,15
Yosemite Nature Notes, ix, 144
Yosemite Park and Curry Company: acknowledgment to, xi; and Wawona Hotel, 101; and Glacier Point Hotel, 109; origin, 112-113; and Big Trees Lodge, 113; and High Sierra Camps, 114; and Ahwahnee Hotel, 115-116
Yosemite School of Field Natural History, 143-144, 192
Yosemite State Park, 148-150, 154-155, 160, 182; first appropriations for, 151, 152; established, 155; encompassed by National Park, 155; receded to United States, 160
Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Company and Carl Inn tract, 70, 162-163
Yosemite Tourist, D. J. Foley quoted in, 66-68
Yosemite Valley: reserved as State Park, vii, 155, 182; re-ceded to United States, vii, 160; discovery by whites, 5, 6-8; origin of name, 87; as proposed reservoir site, 92, 147; homesteads in, 148-151; dual management of, 157, 160
Yosemite Valley Railroad: built, 68, 187; flooded, 69-70; abandoned, 70
Young, Col. S. B. M., 185, 186

Zevely, J. W, 186

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